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Friday 14 July 2017

Later From Mary Bernstein, To Rehabilitation Organization

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@marybernstein14 twitter
July 13 2017
Via Email:
Twitter: @enablethefuture Instagram: @enablethefuture
Mr. Ivan Owen
Mrs. Jen Owen
600 Means Street, Suite 210
Atlanta, GA 30318
Tel: 404-979-2900
Fax: 404-979-2901
Re: Medical Outreach Rehabilitation/Digital Humanitarians
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Owens:
What a tremendous gift you have given humanity by your selfless works and ingenuity. I am disabled and have come across this innovate organization for digital humanitarians. I have ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar 1 which factor in my difficulties communicating but I will attempt to articulate to the best of my ability. I was a legal practitioner years ago.

I am a digital humanitarian for several indigenous groups of people that have no representation. As you know or may not know, August 9 is the 10 year anniversary of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples 2007-2017 However, the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra, Ambazonia and Oromia have not received any assistance from the United Nations despite repeated attempts. Therefore I am serving as the outreach department for Biafra and Ambazonia at this time.
Despite millions of US Taxpayers dollars for health contributed to the governments of Nigeria, Cameroon and Ethiopia regions wherein these indigenous people are located attempted to self determine through referendums, no assistance has been provided to those that have lost their limbs through extrajudicial attacks, disease or deformities at birth. For the past several years, it has been widely publicized the human rights abuses, extra judicial killings, unlawful imprisonment on these people at the hands of the tyrannical governments by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the U.S. State Department. Additionally, terrorist groups such as Fulani Herdsmen have mutilated children and adults without prosecution by the ineffectual governments notably in Nigeria. Cameroon has inflicted torture on indigenous groups without mercy even denying education and communication to children earlier this year through internet shutdown in the Southern, English speaking region. Children have been imprisoned for internet use since December 2016 without trial without mercy. Prisoners have been poisoned with arsenic through food and water in the prison with countless deaths. It is believed that the nefarious practice organ harvesting is the hidden agenda, objective with the executions of these young men.
I learned of 3d Printing Prosthetics in the article 3D-printed prosthetic limbs: the next revolution in medicine…/3d-printed-prosthetic-limbs-r… and became very excited. Because I am so isolated with my disorders I only socialize online with these groups that I work with because it alleviates my depression and is part of my medical treatment. The art that I create, my lobbying efforts and writing all these digital humanitarian efforts assist me with my conditions. My good friend David is young that lost both of his arms by the Nigerian Government in 2014. David was only a teenager when the Nigerian Government set the markets on fire. David an unsung hero tried to assist putting out the fire in his parents market when he was electrocuted. David a football player almost lost his legs as well but these were spared the amputation. This violence was on the heels of January 2013 mass murder of bodies discovered floating in Ezu River. These attacks on communities, children, individuals, shopkeepers attributed to the meteoric rise of the Biafra movement today occurring in Nigeria. The people grew fed up with the violence, destruction murders, mayhem levied at them by the Nigerian Government.
You are the first of the rehabilitation organizations regarding prosthetic limbs I am contacting. I notice that you have a Nigeria Chapter Cyberlogik Foundation
which will not work for obvious reasons. It is too much of a security risk for David or any of the injured to travel wherein they may lose life or limb again. There are no Chapters in Cameroon or Ethiopia. For the same reasons these groups of indigenous people need their own chapters.
My proposal is that although we are broken people, walking wounded we want to demonstrate that we can be capable of assisting, I am trying to start a foundation MAP eventually Miracles Assisting People for prosthetic limbs but right now we need immediate assistance. I want to show you that the people in these areas are so talented they make things and if they have the printers and the materials they can make these limbs for their people. Can you assist with the materials or starting initiative in these areas? I am begging you. I am crying right now. If you assist us we can make these things. Please I want to obtain the arms for young David as soon as possible.
I want you to see that on my facebook page they make shoes, they make furniture surely they can make the arms if they have the printer and the materials. This will avoid any conflict coming into their areas or their exposure to danger traveling outside of their areas. An ultimatum has been given to them to get out of the North Nigeria these groups by October 1.
Please please please help this disabled American woman and her African disabled friends. These people were mutilated by these governments. The corrupt African leaders have stolen all the money we Americans contributed in the foreign assistance. See for yourself. Nothing reached any of these people. We are their only hope.
I have been lobbying for years, sending items or funds when I can but I can only do so much as one disabled person.
I will try following up by calling you as well as faxing and social media efforts. Please I am not very smart. My life is over but I want them to have help. Thank you for your assistance.
Mary Bernstein

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