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Saturday 15 July 2017

Inside Africa: Congo!!: How Can 6 Million Deaths Be Under Media Silence?

We know the method, it amplifies some of the new and conceals other equally horrible.
There is much talk of the crisis of migrants and Middle East at the moment, with the fight against terrorism (?), Rather worrying struggle with the entry of Russia , called for al-Assad, who will not make in lace, targeting (all?) opponents of the Syrian president. Meanwhile we deliberately obscures what is happening in Congo, yet even move good souls quick to cry over the fate hyped poor migrants should keep a few tears for an ongoing genocide, which we will not talk in your favorite media, which seem to in selective lamentations.

A genocide which were accomplices our leaders and the international community

In central Africa, Congo is rich, filled with raw materials (diamonds, gold, tin, gas, oil, uranium, coltan …), forests, water, women and men of many tribes gathered under a nation drawn by the settlers, and that historically corresponds to very little. Following the genocide in Rwanda, neighboring countries have benefited most from the blurring political and institutional Congo (bordering Rwanda) to attack from all sides this huge country full of treasures.
And Westerners in all this? The guilt of American and European leaders as the genocide in Rwanda has pushed to conduct a pro-Rwanda policy, leaving the Rwandan rebels of past Congolese side free to do what they wanted, helped by Ugandan allies and Burundi .. .
More importantly, many natural resources in DRC are vital for Western economies, particularly for the automotive, aerospace, high tech and electronics, jewelry … especially Coltan (which Congo holds at least 60 % of world resources) is essential in the manufacture of electronic components that are found in TVs, computers, smartphones, but also some weapons like missiles! The DRC also suffers massive deforestation. The main importers? USA, Europe, China. Not surprising.
But since the war internal intrusion seems to Africa, no one can accuse the US and other Western powers to take advantage of the resources and wealth of the Congo by intervening directly. No, it’s even more convenient to let the peoples get off them. Meanwhile, the US supports dictatorships succeeding in Congo and Rwandan and Ugandan militia. Happy.
sustained poverty and abject living conditions, incessant rape (and AIDS rate reaching 20% of the population in the eastern provinces), population displacement, outrages, epidemics …: dehumanization strategy is in place to make them helpless victims, a terrible situation that there are no words strong enough.
? As long as public opinion abdicates, the Congo remains? Negro? Africa ?. Baloji All this does not make you the Congo

Western leaders are they hungry for wealth as to leave perpetrate another genocide? Yes, as to leave the commission and even cover a new genocide. With weapons, military training from our elites. One thing: what happens in the Congo, political and economic affairs in the genocide, is not determined solely by the Congolese, but also carnivorous powers, eager for riches and without consideration for the people.
The situation in Congo will be resolved by the Congolese themselves. But the international community must urgently stop supporting Rwandans, Ugandans and all militias perpetuating this state of war unbearable for them to put the hands on the wealth of a country without being accountable to anyone.
6 million deaths. Half of them young children. The world says? Free? – We – must necessarily confront that his freedom? let them. Why so much violence and so little noise from the media?
Is it uninteresting for European? Is it not enough sensational, this massacre in the millions of people? Is it too far? Home ?, they apply again this odious? Nearby Act? ? Why no reaction, no impact in the collective imagination, nor indignation, anger or emotion?
Our duty as citizens of the world is to get the message. Let the world know. Before the world moves. There are culprits in Europe as there are in Africa. Silence kills as powerful as the sound of machine guns. Let all the killers face their responsibilities.

Conflict in Congo: The Truth Unveiled

26 minutes report on the situation of Congo. Warning this documentary includes difficult to bear images.

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