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Tuesday 22 August 2017


HATE SPEECH can be defined as a speech which attacks a person or group of people on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or gender. Hate speech can trace its roots to a long standing disputes, injustices, cheating, marginalizations and unsettled scores perpetrated or committed against a person, people or community which have the capabilities and capacities to drag on for a long period of time. The emergence of hate speech in Nigeria is traceable to this nation's faulty foundations in the worst fraud committed by the British colonialists in amalgamations against the collective will of the Nigerian people.

The nation of Nigeria was founded on lies, deceptions, wickedness, impoverishment and exploitations. During the amalgamations of 1914 our fathers at that time were not consulted or considered rather were captured and forced into an alliance of slavery which brought together people of different backgrounds, tribes, religions, regions and cultural affiliations in the worst uncivilised merger that has kept Nigeria in bondage and captivity ever since then till date.
The evil British colonialists in order to have full access to the vast untapped resources available at that time decided to play a fast game by collaborating, aligning and pitching the educationally resource bankrupt north side of Nigeria against the educationally resource advantaged south side. These abnormalities and foundational frauds are what Nigeria and its people are suffering today. The current vice president of Nigeria is riding on the same mistakes and blunders the previous administrations committed by trying to solve these numerous political and economic problems from the surface instead of tackling them from the roots. Declaring hate speeches in Nigeria as terrorism is another waste of time.
A case of pouring water on a stone. The handlers of Nigeria should go back to the roots and correct those foundational errors on a roundtable dialogue. The current system of governance in Nigeria encourages laziness, failures, pettiness, foolishness, unintelligence, backwardness, lootings and lack of human developments whereby it discourages education, skills, enlightenments, civilisations, technological advancement, empowerments and developmental growths.
A factor that has slowed the political and economic development and growth of Nigeria since independence. The leaders of Nigeria should face realities and take the bull by the horn. This nation is going down by minutes in our very eyes. Hate speech is not terrorism but a side effect and symptom of a fraudulent ONE NIGERIA
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