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Sunday 3 December 2017

Buhari, your time is up! - UK Guardian

Image result for buhari picturesImage result for boko haram pictures

- The UK Guardian has slammed President Muhammadu Buhari, 
saying his time is up  

- Buhari is accused of failing in his campaign to destroy Boko Haram 
and worsening the security situation in Nigeria  

- The president was elected on a hard line platform on security, pledging 
to end all threats to Nigerian national unity

A major British newspaper has called on President Muhammadu Buhari 
to recognize he has failed to live up to his pledge to destroy Boko Haram. 

Writing for the Guardian (UK), journalist Simon Tisdall says President Buhari 
has completely failed in his campaign to destroy the Islamist terror group. 

Tisdall argues that far from making Nigeria safer, the president’s policies 
have created more instability throughout the country. 

“Buhari’s harsh approach to unrest of any kind may be causing more problems 
than it solves across Nigeria as a whole,” he said. 

The journalist points out that since Buhari became president last 
year agitation for the actualization of Biafra has increased in the southeast, 
as has violence between farmers and Fulani cattle herders in the middle belt. 

He quotes the International Crisis Group’s analyst for Nigeria Nnamdi Obasi 
as saying that President Buhari’s hard line policy will also lead to further 
strife in the Niger Delta region after recent attacks by the Niger Delta Avengers 
and Egbesu Mightier Fraternity.

Image result for boko haram pictures

“Both groups have sent the government their lists of demands, mostly 
for local control of oil revenues, threatening even more crippling attacks 
if they are ignored,” Obasi is quoted as saying. 

“The government’s response – deploying more military assets and 
threatening an unmitigated crackdown – portends an escalation of the violence.” 

Tisdall also accuses President Buhari of using the Chibok girls as a political 
ploy, referring to the president meeting the rescued 
Chibok girl Amina Ali Darsha Knkeki at his villa last month. 

“The fuss looked like a slightly desperate bid to deflect attention 
from the fact the other girls remain unaccounted for,” Tisdall said.

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