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Saturday 7 October 2017

United Nations: The Injustice League, Justice is a Fallacy in this World

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 By Mary Bernstein

Perception vs. Reality 

Let me tell you how I stumbled divinely upon this sleight of hand by the United Nations . This United Nations illusion of peacekeeping and human rights champions. This unleveled playing field in the game of life. Unarmed, uneven where justice is available only to certain classes.

I am actually contemplating writing a book about Bruce Mayrock journey through hypocrisy of the human rights community. In addition, when I plan to visit his grave next year I am contemplating going inside the UN. I am actually trying to retrace this young journalistic student's steps to find out what moved him to such desperation.

I was looking on the UN website at the daily calendar of Secretary and noticed that the only thing on Friday calendar was Tony Blair. In addition a statement that all other appointments were internal on agenda. I then noticed this Deputy General reference and decided to investigate in the hope that this may be a channel for us to perhaps get to meet live an appointment with the UN Secretary General. I learned that the general public can sit in on general assemblies so I wondered if Bruce Mayrock may have tried to meet with then acting UN Secretary U Thant and was stonewalled. Or did he meet with him to no avail. I was looking for phone number for this Deputy and I feel the direction to investigate what this post was as I did not recall knowledge of such a position previously.

Once I learned the individual was Nigerian A. Mohammed.....I knew that any attempt would be futile to reach the UN Secretary General. Forewarned is forearmed. An insider Nigerian employee to make sure that IPOB, myself could not meet with the UN Secretary General. The realization why there has been no condemnation about the extrajudicial killings, the imprisonments, the elevated oppression. Nigeria is on the UN payroll. Literally. Sadly not figuratively. The Cat is out of the bag....

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