The Death over Our Heads: Energy Saving Light Bulbs Are Poisonous To the Brain, Nervous System, Liver, Kidneys and HeartSave

Ecological light bulbs contain mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that is particularly toxic to children and pregnant women. Mercury is particularly toxic by the brain, nervous system, liver and kidneys.
Many of us are aiming to save energy and money replaced the old standard bulbs with new ecological lamps that save energy.
However, a new generation of energy-efficient light bulbs is so toxic that the Environmental Protection Agency United States launched an extraordinary protocol implemented in the event of breakage of the bulb and release toxic gas.
A study carried out by scientists from Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klaudic Institute has shown that these light bulbs, if they break indoors, they emit 20 times more mercury than the maximum allowed.
Energy-efficient light bulbs can cause:
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Seizures
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Nervousness

Why the need to restore the ordinary light bulbs?
  1. Eco bulbs contain mercury. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin that is particularly toxic to children and pregnant women. It is particularly toxic by the brain, nervous system, liver and kidneys. It can also cause damage to the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. Mercury can lead to tremors, nervousness, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, cancer and Alzheimer’s.
  2. Organic light bulbs can cause cancer
New research conducted by Peter Brown in Berlin has shown that these bulbs contain toxic carcinogens that can cause cancer:
  • Phenol is a mildly acidic toxin in the form of crystals which are obtained from coal tar and is used in the chemical industry.
  • Naphthalene, flammable compound in the form of crystals, which is formed by the distillation of coal tar, which is used as a raw material in the chemical industry.
  • Styrene, unsaturated hydrocarbon liquid which is obtained as a by-product in the production of petroleum.
  1. Eco bulbs emit a large amount of UV radiation
Energy saving lamps that emit UV-B radiation and a small amount of UV-C radiation. It is universally recognized that UV radiation harms the skin (causes skin cancer) and eyes. Radiation from energy-efficient light bulbs directly affects the immune system and damages the skin tissue to such an extent that prevents the formation of vitamin D.
Finally, these bulbs are so toxic that should not be thrown in the regular trash. They are hazardous waste.

What to do when one of these breaks:

Everybody must evacuate the home.
Open the house windows and doors.
You need to shut down the HVAC, furnace, and AC units.
Collect some sticky tape, cardboard, damp paper towel and a glass jar with a lid
Do not use a broom. This will further spread the mercury thoroughly the home.
Do not use a vacuum cleaner. This will also further spread the mercury throughout the home.
Clean up the broken glass with sticky tape or paper and place into a glass jar.
When complete, seal the glass jar and tape up the lid.
After cleaning, stay out of home for several hours with windows open.
Contact your local authorities for proper disposal.
For now, it may be free to dispose broken or burnt-out CFL light bulbs at some city halls, certain post office branches, or at one of this box store.
Unfortunately, the bad news is that the old bulbs will soon no longer be available.
Here are the recommended light bulbs : LED Light Bulb 60Watt – 6Pack or LED Light Bulb 100Wat – 4Pack Thanks for taking the time to read this article. If you found this information helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Your support in our endeavor of sharing free information would be much appreciated.
